Your Ass-Kicking, Soul-Cuddling Transformation Begins Here

Let's dive deep, face the hard truths, and cuddle your soul back to wholeness. I'm here with you every step of the way.

Looking for a spiritual journey that's as real as it gets?

You're in the right place. You’re not here for surface-level growth. You’re here for the deep, the raw, and the truly transformative. The road might be tough at times, but the rewards? Unbelievable. This is the kind of journey that changes everything.

You feel it, don’t you? That deep resonating call from within, urging you to be more, step into your power. But somethings holding you back.

Perhaps it's self-doubt, perfectionism, or confusion about your unique message in an industry flooded with voices.

Here's the truth: your shadow isn't meant to be ignored, denied, or suppressed. It's yearning for liberation through love. It's part of you, and it's time to honor it, to welcome all aspects of yourself - light and shadow alike.

Welcome to a space of remembrance, courage, and homecoming. This isn't a place for judgment or pretenses. This is a space to bring all of you online, where authenticity reigns. You're not alone in this journey. Together, we'll dismantle the walls confining your divine power.

We won't settle for surface-level growth. We're here for the profound, soul-deep transformation, the life-altering shifts that fundamentally redefine your existence. Through self-awareness and self-love, we'll reclaim your divine power, replacing fleeting spiritual highs with lasting inner change that ripples through all areas of your life.

Are you ready to meet your true self? Ready for an ass-kicking, soul-cuddling transformation? Your journey awaits. Let's get started.

'I’m Cari,

But you can think of me as more than just a life & business coach, spiritual healer, and teacher trainer.


My approach is clear, direct, and radiates love – an empathetic haven where you can address your traumas, untangle the energetic imprints that trace back to your childhood, and ascend to become a potent, spiritually-attuned, leader in the wellness industry.

I bring a deep wellspring of knowledge and a profound understanding of the intricate journey to holistic healing. Why? Because my mission is to ignite monumental changes within you that resonate deeply and radiate out into every area of your life. To assist you in reshaping your world from the inside out, in a way that resonates with the deepest part of your being.

You're here to create ripples, to shape a legacy, to do big things. So let's unlock that potential together. Let's forge a path that aligns with your soul's purpose and let your true self shine. Let me show you how together, we can make your grand vision a reality.

Featured in

Craving a space where profound healing, spiritual awakening, and entrepreneurial growth intertwine?


- your portal to transformation.

Think of this as your ultimate guide, a mix of age-old wisdom with handy tools, designed to navigate your spiritual awakening with ease and power. We'll dig deep, shifting those subconscious energetic patterns to ignite personal and business transformation.

Our journey? It flows in waves. We'll start with awareness, move towards self-discovery, awaken and then make a real impact in the world. Here, you'll learn to truly listen to yourself, heal those childhood wounds, and team up with the divine in creating your life masterpiece.

So, are you ready to embrace every part of yourself? Ready to tap into a sense of completeness you've never experienced before? It's time to reignite your innate power and purpose. The Dynamic Healing Method is here, and your incredible transformation journey is just a decision away.

offerings to Take Charge of Your Progression

Your bold, expressive, confident Self is calling you home.

In-person Offerings

Experience the power of in-person transformation with my dynamic healing breathwork sessions, retreats, yoga classes, and inspirational speeches, designed to guide you through profound awakenings and help you lead yourself and others toward a more spiritually anchored existence.

Online Offerings

Embark on a transformative journey from the comfort of your own space and at your own pace. Find masterclasses and programs to deepen your self-awareness, balance your energies, refine your skills, and become an extraordinary leader, space holder, teacher, coach, and healer.

Coaching Offerings

Navigate deep healing, reclaim your power, and align with your purpose. Consider this your haven for self-discovery and transformation, where I provide personalized guidance, accountability, and unwavering support. Create a life and business that aligns with your true essence in my most intimate space.

“Cari is a breathwork master and also a compassionate, fully-expressed, and divine individual.”

“The exact person you want to be guided through this physical and spiritual journey and exploration of the deeper, higher self. How she opens space and guides you through the experience is exceptional.”

- Alyse Speyer Former Head of Author Relations at Mindvalley


01. Breathwork: Bridging Generations

Understanding and healing ancestral trauma | Berlin | NOV 24th learn more→

You were never meant to walk this path alone

Let's be honest, spiritual growth isn't a walk in the park. It's an ass-kicking, soul-cuddling journey that requires courage, commitment, and a whole lot of self-love. But trust me, once you start, you'll never look back. Take the first courageous step now and contact me to unlock your true potential.